Date: September 8-18
*TIFF unofficially begins the movie award season each year. This festival is not a competition. It does give an audience award, but thats about it. It is the largest film festival in North America and a great place to get movies distributed and begins to shape the Oscar season.
This year will be the first time that TIFF will open with a documentary. FROM THE SKY DOWN tells the stoory of U2.
It will show the world premiere of Brad Pitt in MONEYBALL. A big Oscar contender this year. Check out the trailer if you havent seen it.
Other screenings include:
THE DESCENDANTS -with George Clooney.
DRIVE-Ryan Gosling and has very positive reviews.
THE IDES OF MARCH -more George Clooney
W.E -Directed by Madonna
50/50- Joesph Gordan-Levitt and cancar
THE ARTIST -Black and white silent film
MELANCHOLIA -Kirsten Dunst won best actress at Cannes, but director Lat Von Treir made comments about understanding Hitler and being a Nazi. He may have been joking, but the Academy will not want to honor him after that. Dunst could still get a nomination.
TWIXT -World premiere for this Frances Fors Coppola film
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN-Might be to rough for a Best Picture, but Tilda Swinton steals the show and could get a Best Actress nom.
There are a ton more being shown. Check out the TIFF website for a complete list.
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