Thursday, March 1, 2012


Now that the 2011 Oscar season is over I am going to take a few weeks to redesign MattAwards. I tried a few different things this year, but none of them really worked. There are a million Oscar blogs so I am going to work on making MattAwards a more go to place for Oscar predictions, must see movies and reviews. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback for me. I really appreciate Joe Burns and Tom for taking time to add comments.

We have a lot to look forward this coming year and I already see a few contenders. Some of the most anticipated movies of the year are could also be Best Picture candidates:

The Dark Knight Rises (July 20)
Promethius (June 8)
The Hobbit (December 14)
Django Unchained (December 25)
Lincoln (TBD)
The Great Gatsby (December 25)

I have already seen a few people predicting Lincoln as the Best Picture winner next year.

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