Thursday, February 2, 2012


Oscar ballots were mailed out yesterday morning. The Academy voters have to chose from the films that were nominated last week. There are 5,783 voters. They will each choose their picks from the eligible categories. I wonder what percentage take it seriously and really study the choices? And what percentage just vote for the names and movies they have heard of, not necessarily have seen? We are all guilty of doing that during a political election. As Sasha Stone points out, some probably give the ballot to a family member or friend to fill out for them. This could be the reason that many of us who really do analyze a movie for it's award potential are often disappointed in the outcome. How could The Kings Speech be a better film than The Social Network? Is The Artist really than Hugo? Absolutely not. Hugo uses 3D the way it was meant to be used. It is beautifully shot and celebrates the history of movie making 10x better than The Artist. By itself The Artist is a great movie, but put it up against some of the others and it is not Best Picture.

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